As everywhere on the planet, in our Casamance villages, plastic is both a problem and an opportunity;

    We are involved in projects to recover, collect and transform these plastics, and we
    hope to show you the results of our design projects in these new
    materials very soon;

    For your pleasure and to preserve the beauty of this region which is in our hearts......FOLLOW THESE CREATIVE AND POSITIVE ADVENTURES ON OUR BLOG


    Welcome aboard!

    We're a small team of creative people living in the magnificent Casamance region of Senegal, all passionate and curious;

    Our captain is KAREOBA, an artist living in Senegal, active and creative in thefields of design, painting, engraving and sculpture, silk-screening.
    He explains that his inspiration comes from the serenity of Casamance, the colors of
    nature and the culture of our region;

    This clothing and accessory design project is the brainchild of our small group, and the result will enable us to convey our emotions and positive energy
    to you.

    The aim is to gradually (Ndànk ndànk in Wolof) consolidate our team, our activities and to bring on board new artisans, young and old, local creators, in all our adventures.

    We're far from the capital, which is a real economic handicap, but we want to prove that we can create wealth as well, or add value to it;

    your purchase is also a support to see further!


    • it's a place of unspeakable beauty, so I don't know what to say to tell you about it faithfully enough: the sky
      during the rainy season, the birds (you know the weaverbirds and their incessant dance?) the fishing villages, the mangroves, our Diola culture of craftsmen and the strength of wrestlers?

    To cut a long story short, it's a lost and magical part of Senegal, our home base and the source of all inspiration for this boutique's artist: KAREOBA
    "everything fills me up and soothes me here in magical
    Casamance, its nature, the silence, the people and the masks. We're
    not inspired here, we're enriched as we breathe!